Since 1995, the all-volunteer and interfaith peaceCENTER continues to be a significant community catalyst for peace in San Antonio, Texas. Compassion and Justice are our strong guiding lights. Contemplative Practices, Experiential Education, and Nonviolent Actions are our working expressions throughout the community at large.
285 Oblate Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78216
The peaceCENTER is a 501(c)((3)) non-profit
Monday’s Monument: It Shall Not Be Again, Orange, Massachusetts
In 2000 this was designated as the official peace statue of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It was dedicated on May 30, 1934 in Veteran’s Memorial Park. On the front of the base is a bronze plaque with the relief sculpture of a mourning woman with her head and body covered by a long robe and the inscription: IT SHALL NOT BE AGAIN. On the back of the base a circular bronze plaque contains the dedication: DEDICATED IN MEMORY OF THOSE OF ORANGE WHO SERVED THEIR COUNTRY DURING THE WORLD WAR 1917-1919. The sculpture was created by Joseph P. Pollia.