Living Room Conversations

The peaceCENTER’s Living Room Conversations begin with a wisdom circle — often San Antonio’s Peace Laureates — discussing a question while others, arrayed around them in a circle, listen in. After about 20 minutes, the entire room arranges itself into small groups, and using the wisdom circle as a model, discusses the same question among themselves. There are usually three questions — and at the end, each small group has a minute or two to share with the entire assembly the wisdom gleaned in their group. Watch!

The Day After the Election

On November 7, 2016 the peaceCENTER hosted a Living Room Conversation: “Can We Still Be Friends?” to give participants the opportunity to work through strategies to help us communicate with friends, family and co-workers who may hold different political views.

Laureate Conversation on Race

September, 2015. In the center circle were :

  • Imam Omar Shakir, convener
  • Rabbi Samuel and Lynn Stahl
  • Sr. Martha Ann Kirk
  • Rod Radle
  • Rosalyn Collier
  • Rev. Phil Ruge-Jones

Living Room Conversation on Prejudice

The San Antonio peaceCENTER hosted a conversation about Prejudice in Our World Today, featuring Peace Laureates Rosie Castro, Rabbi Samuel and Lynn Stahl, Sr. Teresa Maya and Imam Omar Shakir.

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