Shall We Ever Rise?  a holy walk

The Rev. Ann Helmke, animating director of the San Antonio peaceCENTER and Rosalyn Collier, a Catholic laywoman and one of the founders of the peaceCENTER, created this series of 12 collages as a Lenten offering in 1998. They were exhibited at Studio Gallo in the Blue Star Art Complex and have been used several times as stations of the cross as part of the Archdiocese of San Antonio’s annual Lenten pilgrimage for Justice.

In 2006, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) had them made into vinyl banners for use at their triennial youth gathering, where they were seen by almost 40,000 youth. ELCA donated the banners to the peaceCENTER at the conclusion of the gathering.

The collages, with captions in English and Spanish,  are available as a color book from peaceCENTERbooks. The banner are available as a loan from the peaceCENTER: download the brochure here.

To see the images below in full size as a slide show, click on any of the pictures.

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